Heavy rain pour this morning,
It seems as the rain is going to wash everything,
The road, cars, trees and the building,
Everything looked so clean and beautiful.
If the rain can wash all the hurt,
All the cruelness happen in this world,
Racisms that occurs,
Harshness and also ferocity,
Just in a split second??
Rain can't clean all those things,
Because humans are the one that cause it,
Only one thing that can change the world to a better place,
Without pain or harsh feelings,
Something powerful and amazing,
That's called l0v3....
Between everyone's heart,
That would change everything.....
'Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable'
-Mahatma Gandhi-♥♥♥ I'M BLESSED ♥♥♥